brain corral placement


where should I place my brain corral? heres what I have
Perfecto 125g Corner flow
perfecto refugiums 30L w/Partitions
Pentair quiet one return pump 780gph
cv octo in sump skimmer up to 250g
AQs - Instant Ocean 150g sea salt
Marineland- Maxi Jet 1200 powerheads X2
Algae Free- Maxi Jet mod kits x2
Carib sea Bahama oolite live sand 80lbs
tonga live rock 90lbs
carib sea base reef rock 50lbs
coralife 36" T5 Light fixture 4 x 39w x2


Active Member
On the bottom until it's adjusted to your lighting. After that depends on what type of brain, most people leave open brains (lobos, trachys) on the sand but they can be put on the rocks as long as they don't expand and hit rock which could damage them, closed brains like favias will like rockwork to grow over. Trachys seem to adapt to more lighting the best and some favias the worst IME. It depends on the coral though.


Active Member
lower flow (not a deadzone though) and lower light are best which typically means the lower side of the tank. With open brains just make sure they don't get covered in sand when placed on the sandbed. I had a tiger pistol that liked to spite me occasionally blasting sand over my open brain.