brain fell


Last night my brain fell off the reef. Had just moved everything around Friday night, and he was at a slight angle. I just put new VHO lights on, and he opened so big he slid off the rock. I could see a small amount of green tissue on a rock he would have hit on the way down. I think he looks okay.
? Do you think this will be a problem?
He was not on the bottom long.
Watch for receeding tissue around the base on the side that was damaged. If it was fully expanded and tore the mantle when it fell than a bacterial infection could set in or crabs may start picking at it. Watch it closely, if it starts getting worse than iodine or vitiman c on the damaged area could help. Give it the best conditions you can(of course you already are :))and make any necessary changes to your water to get it as close to perfect as possible. Increase water flow over the brain so that the damaged area constantly has water flowing over it.
Do all this and cross your should be fine and hopefull it will be too.Hope this helps.


Mine are always falling...They inflate so large it's hard to find a good spot for them.
Yours should be fine.