Brain in Nano?


Active Member
what kind of brain? I think it might work,if its not over stocked and you feed it also.


i dont think its over stocked, i have a pic of it in the nano threads and i only have 2 fish.


New Member
I have an open green brain in my 20 gallon under 130 watts of PC . It's my first coral so I am no expert but mine seems to be doing good! I didn't feed him for the first few days until I bought a turkey baster now he seems to be doing even better. Hope that helps


Active Member
My open brain will actually eat small pieces of fish,they like meaty foods besides the light they need


Active Member
I dont think lighting will be a problem at all. The size the darn thing gets to could be a problem if you want to add other stuff or liverock occupies alot of your substrate space.


Active Member
Not enough light.With 96 wts of PC's you must remember that only half of that is daylight..and the other half is'nt even a true actinic.So you have an open brain under 48 wts .


Active Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg
Not enough light.With 96 wts of PC's you must remember that only half of that is daylight..and the other half is'nt even a true actinic.So you have an open brain under 48 wts .
Thats more than enough light over a 10 gallon even if it did work that way but the wattage of actinic lighting isn't to be disregarded completely. But a 10 gallon tank is just 13" deep and less than a foot wide. and how do you know its not a true actinic, he didn't specify. there are tru 420mn/10K 50/50 96W bulbs readily available.


Active Member
You can do ultimately what you like.It is your tank, your choice.I will still say, an open brain is not going to grow,maintain it's color and thrive in a 10 gal tank with 96 wts of pc's regardless what type of actinic they have.Sorry to sound blunt,there is no easy way around it. Besides that,if by some remote chance it were to grow..they get the size of a football or better and cannot easily be then what?


Active Member
Originally Posted by PFitz44
IMHO: All Stony corals need MH lighting. Thats the only way to ensure that they will be fine.
There could be nothing more from the truth for Long Polyp Stony's. Some like Canycane and many specimens Flowerpot will do poorly if placed under MH.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Stanlalee
There could be nothing more from the truth for Long Polyp Stony's. Some like Canycane and many specimens Flowerpot will do poorly if placed under MH.
Really? :thinking: Shhh..don't tell mine that.



Dont mean to jack your thred but did your clam just attach it self there or did you glue him? how much light do you have? I have this clam obession right now!


Active Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg
Really? :thinking: Shhh..don't tell mine that.

You know what I mean

Let me re-word. Candy cane in general and certain specimens of Flowerpot are known to favor medium light conditions (as your placement suggest). MOST LPS dont "require" MH lighting although many will do better under MH. I have flowerpot (yeah I know for now), candy cane, hammer and open brain all under PCs and all doing just fine.