Brain Repo?


New Member
A quick question ....has anyone watched or know about a brain coral reproducing?
I have a closed brain that has a drop hanging off it and it has a hard base and it looks like it's gonna drop off and stay by itself...the rest of the coral looks great .......if you need pics i will email.......any help would be great thanks.....Rob
The only thing I know of is a hammer that I have seen pictures on the web doing exactly what you describe. I have propagated a bubble coral by splitting the skeleton and then placing one half higher than the other so that it stretches and eventually drops off. My guess is that it is reproducing. Watch it carefully and once it has completed the separation put it in bright indirect light and acclimate it slowly to the place in your tank you want to keep it. It will be very suseptable to damage and infection in the begining so keep it in gentle current to prevent any detrius from settling on it and keep your water conditions as good as you can until the frag has a chance to finish developing. your water is probably really good just pay extra attention to give it all the help you can. If/when you have to move it treat it like a soap bubble in that squeezing ever so gently might still damage it. Good luck and congrats.