Brain tissue recession


New Member
Purchased a Wesophillia over a month ago. It had a small spot of tissue recession (where there tissue conects to the bottom) that I didn't see. LFS said this would heal. Brain appears to be healthy w/ great color and "puffs up" alot during the day. Once the brain shrinks at night, you can see the tissue recession. It's gotten worse at least doubled. My parameters are perfect w/i tank. LFS was suggesting iodine dip. Any suggestions?


Active Member
have you ever fed the guy with any type of meaty food?
event hough your water params are perfect what are they, especially calcium and alk......
could there be anythignin ther that is irritating it like hermits and crabs????
what type of light is it under?
unfortunately tissue recession with these guys is usually bad business, and eventually results in loss of the indiviudal....feeding hiim regularly, proper alk/cal levels and proper lighting are really the only things that you can provide for him so that he is in the correct environment to heal!
good luck