I am wanting to know about brain corals. I love the look of the open red brain coral. Can these be kept in a 10 gal tank (4yrs old) with PC lighting??
How easy are they to keep and is a red donut the same thing??
yes red donut is very similar. they will need a stable tank to thrive. make sure ur tank has been set up for awhile b4 adding it. pc light will work btw.
Thanks for the reply. Can you tell me what is the main difference between the donut and the brain??
Also do you like the green or red better in the tank for color??
My tank of 10 gal has been up and running for 4 yrs now so I think it is well established.
I've usually seen either scolymia or cynarina referred to as "donut" corals. Open brains are usually trachyphyllia or wellsophyllia.
As far as looks, it's totally up to you. I'm a big fan of the greens.