Branched anemone ID pls


This branch anemone looks kinda like a hammer coral. It has 5 branches and the tenticles are dark green from the base and gets lightier towards the tips. I went under but didn't see a picture of it. Any one else have an idea or a web site with more pics? This little guy isn't doing very well since my PO$ was high. I did a 20% water change 2 days in a row but I need to find out more about this guy. The tenticles are about 3" long or shorter. The branches are with bone looking. ANY ideas?


Actinodendron cf. glomeratum
Actinodendron cf. arboreum
Actinodendron cf. plumosum
Try looking up these guys, all are called branching anemones.
I can give you a pic of each if you desire. They are not very pretty.
Does it appear to have vesicles along the column of the anemone?


I did more of a search under the names you gave under google, and the Entacmaea Quadricolor is the closest one so far that I have found. The side of the tenticles are smooth but at the tip it seems to spread into 2 heads (something like that). It kinda looks like a hammer ( not a hammer coral i guess). But I'll keep looking. SRY for placeing this thread in the wrong area Thomas712. Thanks for the move. OH I paid like $35 for it at the LFS hope that helps. I know there are some out there that I may never be able to afford but that should give you a better idea of what I'm looking at.