Brand New (Almost)


After reading, researching and listening (mostly to you folks) I started up my future reef tank in January. My coraline algae seems to be blooming and spreading, which I am taking this as a good sign. My sand bed contains nitrogen bubbles, however, it is only 3” deep and I’m considering adding another inch before putting any corals in. Ammonia and nitrite have consistently registered 0 since the 2nd cycle (when I added the fish). The pH has been consistently 8.2. Relative gravity is 1.023. I have no plans to add any more fish. I have no plans to add to my cleanup crew, since they seem to be keeping things clean. I finally have the rock looking healthy and positioned where I think it offers the best lighting and water flow options for the yet to be purchased corals. I have been dosing kalkwasser twice a week and magnesium once a week. I plan on adding some ‘tougher’ corals beginning in May and would like some opinions. I am thinking about some Button Polyps, Mushrooms, a Leather and a Plate Coral (not all at once). Are these good beginner corals? Will they work with my tank (see below)? Any others that I should consider? Also, I would appreciate any comments on my current inhabitants or anything you’d recommend I change?
All feedback will be appreciated.


Active Member
Hi Rick ... Welcome !!
Sounds like a well thought out plan and a very patient approach.
I've never kept a plate coral, so I'll pass on that one.
Your selection of corals are great. You may want to consider some star polyps too - pretty cheap and good for starting out - and I think they look nice in a tank. They spread fast too if all is good. Up to you.
I'd love to see a picture of this tank if you have one.


Active Member
All you have listed are relativley easy except for the plate. There are two types the long tentacal (heliofungia) and the short tentacle (fungia). The short one is much easier than the long one but IMHO it as not as good looking. I have not had any long term sucess with the long tentacle one. I get them they do good and grow fast if you feed them and then they just start getting nasty looking and die. Maybe you will have better luck though.


Thanks. I'll add the star polyp and colt to my list of possibilities.
broomer5, I do have a couple of pictures. Is there a way to include them without a URL.