Brand New Colored Leather Tree Dying Please Help!


New Member
I received my colored leather tree from swf yesterday and it looks absolutely horrible. I acclimated it correctly for 3 hours just to be safe. It is bent over in my QT tank atm and rotting it looks like. Anything I can do to save it? My parameters are ideal and my SG is 1.0225. The temp is fluctuating from 76 early morning to 82 late afternoon. I am just wondering how can avoid having to mail this 'rock' back if it ends up in Davey Jones' Locker.


First not to be rude but that much of a temp swing is way to much on corals.Ideally you want it to stay constant the whole day,And if the coral is disentigrating it is most likely dead.I would take it out before it further pollutes the might wanna get a second opinion on this but its looks dead.sorry


Active Member
I second the temp swings, you really need to get that under control before adding anything else. And it looks dead. Sorry.


Active Member
I agree with the disentigration comment, and also the temperature swing comments, but I would also like to add that I believe your SG is quite low for corals. 1.026 is ideal for most inverts (including corals) so I would work on getting that up slowly. You have to make sure you do it over time or you will shock the coral and will finish it off for sure. I would make sure you contact SWF and let them know what is going on so that you can still get credit if need be. Good luck by the way!