Brand new


hello I'm new and I want to get one of these smaller sw tanks..I have room for a 15 high. I have been keeping FW for years and have decided to take a step up. I hope you all can help me set up..the last forum (not mentioning any names LOL) where so frustrating to talk to cause I want a smaller tank..they just didn't want to be bothered and kept shrugging me off or getting smart. I need help selecting a filter system..I want fish and live rock. I am going to get the tank and hood, I need to know the most cost effective filtration system..these people had me so confused with all their expert opinions, throwing things out to me i didn't understand and I think they did it to show off..not to help. I bought some books and have read the about saltwater 101. So I have a little knowledge of how things work. I kept thinking why is this so hard for me to comprehend? (about the filters) what basic mechanical filter do I need and secondly what smaller protein skimmer will work the best with it, do I need powerheads with them? and how does it all conect? Thanking you in advance.. :help:


Well i have a 10 gallon tank and i don't use a skimmer all i have is the regular hang on back one you use on freshwater. Biggest thing is keeping up on your testing and your water changes. If I was to start a 15 gallon i'd just cycle the tank with 15lbs of live rock and about a 2 inch sandbed. the only filter i would use is a regular carbon running HOB (hang on back)


Thanks so much..this has helped more than you know! Did you cycle your tank before adding fish? and if so what method did you use? I was told to buy a cocktail shrimp and put it in the tank..let it decay for a month then add my live rock and fish..I really do not want to do this cause I think it will smell really bad?. Then a woman at the LFS told me they make a solution that you add to the tank and within days it is ready for your fish. Is there other ways to cycle tank using the LR and if so how long does it take before I add fish? I'm setting up a QT for my live rock and fish (as per what they told me on the other forum) for about 4 weeks-is this really nessary for live rock??? This what I want to get as far as fish..I want the clown fish (percula), just two, anemone-they are only $3.99 at the LFS and I want some kind of alge eater that will be compatiable with clown fish, and the live rock. I bought a book on anemone & clown fish and it seems they are a good for a beginer, but they said I need a min. of 30 gallon tank..this true?. What do you think? It said in the book that the anemone do not require special lighting, but are sensitive to sudden water changes, like temps, copper, etc. How hard are they in reality? anyone kept them? They also said that I do not need them for my clowfish to do well or even breed, but I like them and would love to have them in there-but if they are going to be really diffacult to raise I will by-pass them. I know I'm asking alot of questios..but I'm really excited about doing this! :jumping: Thanks for any help.


Active Member
hello and welcome! I too am new. I just got a 12 gal. aquapod for Christmas. I did cycle mine with the raw peeled shrimp, but it does not take a month. The shrimp was disolved in three days. (And yes it will smell like low tide for about 2 days). I started my cycle 3 weeks ago. After the first week my amonia and nitrites went to 0, my nitrates were 20 (in the safe zone, but not ideal) I got 2 snails at this point to help with the algae and I also got a blue leg hermit. I am going to get a clown fish and a lemon goby, but I am going to wait till my cycle is completely done. During your cycle your leves will spike and drop a couple times. That's why I am waiting to get my fish. I'm hoping I can get one for Valentines Day! My levels started going up last week again, but are going back down. Hopefully they will level off soon. I am so excited too aobut getting fish and coral. :jumping: Good luck with yours! I am going to go try and post a picture of mine. I've never done it though.


Nice to meet you and thanks! I'll be getting my tank tomorrow, I got the filter today, salt, heater. I'm gonna check out wal-mart and see if they have a reasonable 15 gal tank and hood. I'll need to go to the LFS to get the rock and substrate, I might even check ---- for some stuff. Thanks again and I'll be busy the next couple of days tring to set up..will take pics when I have it up and running. I have found a place (in Knoxville) where juvy clown fish are $15.99 a that about the going rate? I would like them to be a little more reasonable.. so if anyone knows where I can get them cheaper let me know! Thanks! :joy:


well your algea eaters will be snails and starfish and even some fish..
An anemone needs a very healthy mature tank to strive and lots of light so you SHOULD wait atleast 6 months in my opinion anyway but you can add your clows as your first fish if you like but i wouldn't add any more for a while after that. I had 2 of the anemone's your talking about 2 months after my cycle with 260 watts of light and they died. I think it was the fact that my tank wasn't mature enough.
To cycle a tank i get live rock sand and the water and add them all at the same time. The solutions the LFS store are talking about could work i've heard good things and saw a test of the stuff work so if your in a rush that could be an option. I personally would do the 3-4 week natural cycle with a shrimp or add a few really cheap fish and let them live through the cycle such as guppies.(some people consider this cruel...)
That is also a pretty good price for a clown in the boston area. Just be patient because if you rush to fast you'll be paying the 15.99 more than once if you end up adding a fish to fast and your tank can't handle it.


Thanks I am doing lots of research and I'm planning this out carefully. I will cycle with live rock and substrate. I'm looking at the small hermit crabs..only .99 a piece,for when I'm ready. Our LFS has only got two or three SW tanks and not much to choose from, she can order what ever I want-I might get some LR from her only $5.99 a pound, thanks for the info..I'll keep you posted how everything goes. Oh and will probably get my fish from here-seems like the best deal with free shipping!


New Member
I have been having problems with my 24gallon Nano dx
Everything was fine until I added the live rock
after that, my ammonia levels topped the charts!
I have taken advise on a earlier post from devil boy about my filtration
Today, I took out and cleaned the sponge filter, yuck!
I added 2 raw shrimp and am going to see how that works
My LFS said the shrimp was a good idea.


If you already had a ammonia spike you don't need to add shrimp. The whole point of the shrimp is that as they decay they turn to ammonia.
You need that spike then about 2-5 days later it'lll drop quickly then you'll see a nitrite spike, then another week and a nitrate spike.


Well bad news the wally world can't order special items (15 gal tall)-but my LFS can and she has it on order for'll be like a week before I can get it. In the mean time I have gathered all the equiptment, sand and I'm setting up a 10 gal tank to get my live rock..I seen it on the net cheaper, so I'm gonna go ahead and get it and hold it in the 10 gal. until mine arives and I can cycle the bigger tank. Also good for quarentine, according to most of what I read. Will let you all know how well it works.


Your tank is still cycling..and it needs to dont go out and buy any filtration media YET...