Brands of salt?


New Member
:joy: I've read it before and find it again. What is the best kind of salt to buy?
I bought Oceanic. any good?
What size containers will I need for mixing?
Couple 5gal handle buckets?
I was given a 46 gal bow tank & stand. I was really wanting a 75 rect.
But beggers can't be choosers. :cheer:
Its going to be FOWLR.
IF any one has any sugg. I'll be very greatful

Thanks for any help.


Active Member
Oceanic is a wonderful salt. It is the only thing that I use on my tank. Everytime you make up a batch of salt though, you definitely need to test the alkalinity and make sure that it is not low. That is my only slight problem with Oceanic. If it is too low, add Kent's Super dkH buffer to bring it up. Other than that, Oceanic is great with trace elements, calcium, magnesium, etc.


New Member
Thanks I was also wondering is the what I should start with or should I buy a cheaper bucket for the whole cycle. I'm a hands on kind on kinda girl. This will make alot more sense once I start. The only thing I have right now is the tank, stand, salt, thermometer.
I have a long way to go. I have to finish pricing the rest of the equip.
What about the handled buckets or do I need a larger trash can.
I really appreicate the help.


You can go to somewhere like Home Depot and just get some five gallon buckets with handles. For a 46 gal you'll probably never change more than 8 gallons at a time, so you don't really need a large trash can.


ive been using instant ocean for the past 3 years and have no problem.
i just recently started using reef crystals because i plan on keeping corals.reef crystals is from the same company that made instant ocean.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hi1369
ive been using instant ocean for the past 3 years and have no problem.
i just recently started using reef crystals because i plan on keeping corals.reef crystals is from the same company that made instant ocean.
I use IO reef crystals ...... no problems what so ever


I use IO reef crystals and a 20 gallon storage tote for mixing.....