Bredding firefish...


Active Member
I subscribe to a couple different fish breeding forums, and I've never heard of anyone ever breeding Firefish. I have read of success with a couple different species of gobies, but not firefish- this doesn't mean it can't be done. Nothing in this hobby is absolute or written in stone. Good luck.


Active Member
Well they are very common fish, so it would seem to me as though they wouldn't be too hard to breed in captivity. But what do I know? lol


Actually, I think it is possible to get firefish to breed if you can get a good pair. Purple firefish are apparently far more difficult as they are distinctly more agressive and territorial toward its own species (from what I understand). I'm no ichtheologist (or whatever they are called) so take what I have to say with a grain of salt.

If you try it, though, you would probably need a dedicated tank. I would research the natural habitat of the firefish and try to mimic that to the smallest of detail. Sounds like an adventurous idea...good luck