breed bettas?


If you're going to try, you need to start collecting jelly, pickle, mayo, and any other jars you can find. You'll have babies galore.
I've never tried it, but it's something like you drop in the female, once you've noticed the male has made a bubble nest, let them do their thing, take the female out immediately and let the dad raise the eggs. As soon as the fry hatch out, remove the dad and feed them freshly hatched brine, until they start beeting eachother to shreds and seperate them to their solitary jars. Then figure out what the heck you're going to do with all of them. Good luck.


Mola Mola, I didn't ask how to do it, I asked if anyone did.
I already know how to do it, and I don't have to worry about what to do with the off spring, but thanks for your great advice.


Active Member

Originally posted by Loopy
Yes, fresh water. Did you have success?

Somewhat. I forget a lot of the process that goes into getting them to breed but I know it wasn't difficult. I had a few live to adulthood before I gave them away but I didn't really put a lot of effort into raising them.


I bred bettas about 5 years ago when i was in high school. Had about 225 babies at the start, but the number decreased as the sickly and deformed ones died off. Ended up with about 20 by the end of the process. Had an unfortunate accident of snails in the baby tank eat many of them


Active Member

Originally posted by Loopy
Mola Mola, I didn't ask how to do it, I asked if anyone did.
I already know how to do it, and I don't have to worry about what to do with the off spring, but thanks for your great advice.

So much for someone trying to help :notsure:


I SAID 'thanks for the great advice' and I MEANT IT.:yes:
Please quit making me out to be a bad b1tch
I'm not, never was, but I am thinking I have the potential to be one, but considering my life expectancy, not really worth it.:nope:


Active Member
Just sounded a bit snarky, IMO. Sorry.
Something like "hey, I've read a bunch about it, that's about what I've read, thanks" instead of "I didn't ask how to do it, I asked if anyone did....etc, etc" which sounds a bit mean, that's all.


Nobody is trying to make you out to be something horrible. I kind of agree that it was a little disconcerting to read though. Not trying to offend or upset, but I couldn't quite figure out the tone of the response.


How aboat his Mola Mola, I know you don't like me, you made it obvious in another post a long time ago, so how bout you don't respond to my posts and I won't respond to yours and we'll leave it at that.


I wasn't trying to be a smarta**. I thought I was being helpful. I've never once said that I didn't like you and I don't know what post you are talking about. If I ever sounded that way, it was certainly not my intention. I'm sorry you thought so and I'm sorry to have upset you. I'm not a malicious person and I don't make it a point of telling complete strangers I dislike them so I'm really sorry.


Active Member
What the hey, kids?
Let's say Mola did post some sort of sarcastic comment, which doesn't seem all that insulting (the description of breeding bettas, collecting jars, beating the heck out of each other, pretty spot on). Somewhat of a matter of fact description. No way to know from your question that you knew how to do it offense should be taken from someone sharing that info. We just didn't know that fact. Anyway, I'm sarcastic, I find it funny, but not everyone does. I can easily be accused of similar answers. So lets argue that it was misunderstood.
I can see where it would be misunderstood if you think, Loopy, that Molamola doesn't like you and you already know how to breed bettas. But that is what you know, not common knowledge.
By admitting you thought it was a sarcastic answer, Loopy, it explains your response to the answer, which appears to be pretty snarky. Fire with Fire. So there is an issue brewing here. An unproductive and unecessarily stressful pattern to put yourself through. That is not the experience we want you to have here. :)
Mola tried to say no offense meant...but instead of doing the same or just ignoring it, the tone was escalated.
What is the post in question where Molamola said that she doesn't like you (and what are we on a friggin school playground here???
)? I am sure that Molamola would apologize profusely for that one too. Actually, she has without even seeing it! She has apologized for any misunderstanding. I like to see that.
It is not a matter of who posts in what thread, because it is a free board, most of us are adults, and I will not say "oh she doesn't want you posting here" or watching every thread for flare ups. Let's be grown up. Let's appreciate the limitations of writing. It is a matter of ignoring posts that you find offensive...or trying to diffuse them.
There was a GREAT example the other day. Where one (new, I might add) poster was misunderstood, and a couple of people ganged up on him. All the while he would continue with "sorry; I really appreciate your help; please help..." Didn't escalate anything. :yes:
Whatever history is going on here - and to be honest I thought it was a positive one so :notsure: - time to drop it either way and breathe deeply. Its only Tuesday for crying out loud. :)


Again, let me say that I honestly wasn't trying to be rude. I'm sorry it was read that way. Loopy, I had no idea that I gave you any impression whatsoever that I disliked you. I've never written anything to you with that intention in my mind and again, I'm really sorry you thought so. Please accept my appologies and know that I was only trying to be helpful and I've always written to you with friendly thoughts, even if they don't come accross that way on your computer screen. I'll try to improve on that :yes:


Okay, lets end this. I am sorry, sorry for coming across what ever way I did, sorry for every thing. I don't wanna go out and on to the other place this way. I AM sorry, very uninterested in having enemies, even cyber ones. Please except my apology, it is sincere. I liked you from the beginning Mola Mola, I really did. I am just having a lot of ugly moments lately. Please just chalk me up to 'becoming unraveled."