Breeding clownfish

The other day I was sitting on my computer and my roomate said my clownfish were acting funny. I looked over and they were laying eggs on the rock near their bubble tip. I had a breeding pair last year but the female died. I got a new clownfish and the old male turned into the female, and the new juvenile became the male. One year later and I have a breeding pair again!!!


Active Member
Congratulations! Where at in IN are you? If you manage to raise some of them I'd love to buy some off of you, even if not, it'd be great to see you at an ICC meeting.


Very cool.
I just recently sucessfully paired two maroon clowns. Howfully they will mate too.
Are you going to try to raise them?
The male is smaller and very subservient to the female. The female is larger and shaped a little different. She is also very aggressive.


BTW, nice BTA.
I have been trying to induce the bulbed ends on my bta, to no avail. Nothing, including lighting, feeding, hosting, water params, water flow, ect seems to show any effect on my bta forming the bulbs.
I have a Powder Brown Tang, Kole Tang, Orbiculate Batfish, and 1 chromis. My system is a 75 gallon with a 20 gallon long sump used for a refugium. Last year I had a 40 gallon tank and it didn't do nearly as well as this setup. Last year I couldn't get the anemone to have bulbs either, but it does this year. I think that they like less clean water. I think by over-skimming and keeping the water too clean is actually not as good for the corals and anemone. I don't mean that the Nitrate and other levels should be high, but overfiltering takes out plankton from the water. About every month I sell my pumping Xenia to the local pet store for credit because they are doing so well. The anemone hasn't split yet this year but by feeding it last year I got it to.


I do not and have never used a skimmer. I know what you mean by the water quality. I spoke briefly with Delbeck (sp) about what causes the bulb tips. He though that I was doing all I could and sometimes they just don't bulb. :(
I will keep trying though.
I believe he is trying to determine if the presence of bulbs gives any indication of the health of the animal. Hopfully not or I'm in trouble.
Well, I think that it might a little, but I wouldn't worry about it. Last year mine never had the bubble tips and I took pictures of him reproducing.