Breeding clowns

capt. stub

New Member
Hi Everyone,
I am new to this group and am thinking about starting a saltwater tank to raise clownfish as a hobby and maybe later on as a source of income. Can anyone tell me what is needed to start a saltwater tank and how to care for it? Also, where is the best place to find a pair of mated clownfish? I have been doing some research online and have not been able to find a good place to buy fish or learn about keeping a saltwater tank. Any help would be appreciated. And another thing, is there anyone here who breeds fish for income?


Active Member
For just a pair of clownfish you don't need a tank too big, not sure, but 20 gallons would probably be fine. Live sand and live rock are good sources of filtration and very "natural". I'm not sure about the filtration, because when they have babies, there are some sorts of filters that suck them in :eek: :eek: and you don't want that. There are two ways to get them to breed, one is to buy a group of them and because clownfish are asexual they can change --- (from what I heard) so in a way you are somewhat guartneed to get a pair, but im not 100% sure. Or you could just buy a pair that have already mated, but those are very hard to find, and when found can be very expensive. I hope that helped, I'm sure someone else knows more about it thoguh.