Breeding Clowns??


Active Member
So, what size minimum tank should someone use to breed clownfish?? ive been doin some research and they mentioned how you can put the eggs into another tank, why cant they just stay in the same tank?? because you have a filter and pump and what not? thanks for you help...dont plan on doing it anytime soon, but i think itd be interesting.
Luke P. :happyfish


Active Member
Depends on the clowns. Percs and occelarius can do fine in 10's while maroons and clarkiis need 20 or 29 gals at a min.
The new fry I raise in a 5 gal until they are larger, then they go to a 10.
Pick up a book by Joyce Wilkerson entitled "Clownfishes". A great, easy read that has all you need to know.


Active Member
thanks grog, i'd prolly go with percs..i'll try and find that book you refernced, a anenome a must for them to breed? or could something like a TON of xenias do it? gotta keep reading, but appreciate any help. thanks!

Luke P


Active Member
Dont need any creature for them to breed! In fact, most tank raised percs (most of what you find today) will never host in anything! Mine have ignored all my corals and anemone since day one! Some even find that breeding clowns is harder WITH and anemone than without...but I have never personally experienced this. I will soon though as soon as the new system gets set up!!