breeding clowns

yellow ace

I have a ten-gallon that is going to start to become saltwater as of tomorrow. Once it is totally cycled I want to have a pair of a. occellaris in it. I already own one clown (occ) and I want to buy a second one to make the pair. Could I just buy another clown and on the same day introduce them both to the new tank? Is there a possibility the that they would pair up?
I also wanted to add a clean up crew. Can I breed clowns and have a clean up crew at the same time? Or would the hermits eat the eggs?


Active Member
there is a really good informative thread on here entitled "Hey bang. does this look about right??" check this one out.......... ill post a link


Active Member
but you will have to have 2 tanks u know....!? one for the eggs to be laid and another for the eggs to hatch

yellow ace

yes, although should'nt I have about 3? one for the eggs to be laid, one for them to hatch and then a third for them to "grow out".