Breeding (fake) percula

yellow ace

I recently bought
1 coral beauty
5 green chromis
2 peppermint shrimp
1 percula (fake) clownfish
1 cloudy damsel
for my fish-only 46-gallon tank that already had 1 yello-tailed blue damsel and 2 firefish gobies. I bought them all from and am VERY happy with my purchases! I especially love my clownfish. He is bright and flashy! I really want to learn how to breed my beauty. How many more should I buy so that they can pair-up naturally? I don't want to have more than 2 pairs b-c of tank space. I have a 10-gallon that I could breed one pair in. Is that big enough? What (if any) special eqiupment should I buy? I would rather take this VERY slowly and have a succesful breeding, than hurting my little beauty! Is an anemone neccesary? If not what host would be best? I would greatly appreciate any comments. Thank you!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Yellow Ace
I recently bought
1 coral beauty
5 green chromis
2 peppermint shrimp
1 percula (fake) clownfish
1 cloudy damsel
for my fish-only 46-gallon tank that already had 1 yello-tailed blue damsel and 2 firefish gobies. I bought them all from and am VERY happy with my purchases! I especially love my clownfish. He is bright and flashy! I really want to learn how to breed my beauty. How many more should I buy so that they can pair-up naturally? I don't want to have more than 2 pairs b-c of tank space. I have a 10-gallon that I could breed one pair in. Is that big enough? What (if any) special eqiupment should I buy? I would rather take this VERY slowly and have a succesful breeding, than hurting my little beauty! Is an anemone neccesary? If not what host would be best? I would greatly appreciate any comments. Thank you!
Hopeully you did not add ALL those fish at the same time
If you did that new tank cannot handle all that bio load. How old is the tank?


Active Member
Ok so when you are talking about breeding "your beauty", is that the coral beauty or the clown? Ha! IMO the tank can't handle much more. Then again it's my $.02. 1 more clown ok, 1 more cb not ok!