breeding false perc clown


New Member
Are you experienced with breeding the false perc clown? I want to start breeding, and think this fish to be a good starting place because of the success others have had. I have one false perc (I think--it looks like the ones in the pictures). Not quite sure how to continue. Get one more, several more? Get a mated pair? also, I know that these fish do not require the host anenome, but would the host be required for successful breeding?


From what I understand, the anemone is not required for breeding. If you want to create your own mated pair, buy another perc. from the LFS that is much smaller than the one you have and in a tank with other perculas, as this fish is less likely to try to challenge the fish you already have for the female position. I haven't raised any clowns yet, but I purchased the book Clownfishes by Joyce Wilkerson...It goes into extreme detail about what you have to do. It looks to be a really lengthy and time consuming process, but I am sure it is very rewarding.


New Member
Thank you...I do plan to get the book. Your info was so very helpful. LFS--local fish store?
I still have trouble discerning False from True you think False and True Percs would mate?


Yah, LFS is the local fish store. Okay, my understanding of false and true perculas is that the false percula is often commonly called the Ocellaris. These are the "nemo" clowns that we all know and love. The true percula clown fish will usually have wider black bands bordering their white stripes. As far as the mating is concerned, I believe (although I am not certain) that they can interbreed between false and true. I think you might have more success, however, if you stick with two false percs. Hope this helps!