Breeding peppermint shrimp

So I see my peppermints with eggs all the time, so I have decided to try my hand in husbandry. So I come to you all with the need for help. First here is my idea of what I would use. I have a 10 quart bucket, an air stone and biological media from my sump. I plan to put my pep in the bucket with the water, air stone and bio media. Wait for them to hatch (don't know how to tell) then take her out. From there do water changes everyday with water from the display tank (about 1/4 of the water in the bucket), and feed baby brine and cyclopeze. What do you folks think? Am I way off? Do I need more equipment? Am I right on the money?


i would suggest you buy a book on it. they arent the easiest to raise but it can and has been done. good luck!