Bright Colors


Active Member
Right now I have a FOWLR tank. It's an 11 month old 55 gallon tank with:
-1 chocolate chip starfish
-1 small green urchin (not sure what kind)
-1 blackback butterflyfish
-2 ocellaris clownfish
-1 coral beauty angelfish
-1 snowflake eel
Everyone is getting along fine, but I want some more color.
Are there any cool inverts that would actually be compatible w/the other inhabitants I have so far? Critters, anemones, corals? I know that CC starfish are carnivores and that certain corals and anemones need certain lighting (I don't like the lights I have now, so I'm in the market for some new ones and can be flexible).
Let me know what you think...


Originally Posted by garnet13aj
Right now I have a FOWLR tank. It's an 11 month old 55 gallon tank with:
-1 chocolate chip starfish
-1 small green urchin (not sure what kind)
-1 blackback butterflyfish
-2 ocellaris clownfish
-1 coral beauty angelfish
-1 snowflake eel
Everyone is getting along fine, but I want some more color.
Are there any cool inverts that would actually be compatible w/the other inhabitants I have so far? Critters, anemones, corals? I know that CC starfish are carnivores and that certain corals and anemones need certain lighting (I don't like the lights I have now, so I'm in the market for some new ones and can be flexible).
Let me know what you think...
The Starfish and butterfly pretty much eliminate any coral. How large is the tank?
edit: I guess i can't read...a 55gal.


Active Member
def no corals with those two but you can def put a yellow tang in there. actually any color tang, but personally the only one to stay kinda small would be a yellow tang. let me think ill post more in a sec
yellow tang wouldnt be great in there actually. they can get a decent size. they dont even recommend it for a 90 like mine. a cc star is not reef safe. a coral beauty u would have to monitor but theyre not too reef safe. u can go with pink tip anemones, kenya trees are nice, polyps things like that. shrimps and things like that run the chance of getting eaten by your snowflake cause they cant see too well unless ur feeding him by hand and nothing live cause he'll become more of a predator. let him know he'll get fed and doesnt have to look for his food.

royal grammas are nice. i cant really think of nething else right now its kind of late for me. lol ill think of something later. also ur buttefly mite pick at the corals but i dont think anemones.


Active Member
Yeah, I know most things won't work :( ...but I was just curious to see if there were any cool things to spruce up the background a bit, it's kinda dreary.


Active Member
bump...I added this in the middle of the night when it was unlikely to be looked at by very many people.


Active Member
So, does the lack of responses mean that nobody has any ideas of something I could put in my tank to brighten it up a bit? If there's not a single invert option, what do people think about fish? I'm certainly not overstocked, but does anyone think I could add another few fish?


i would suggest a red general starfish, acts the same as your CC starfish but it will eat any plants or coral, it won't mess with your fish or other starfish but it will add alot of color and looks amazing, black grey and a nice red, also the mandarin goby or blenny is very colorful as blue and green and some other color but you need a large stock of rock because they are scavengers your best bet would be to find one at an LFS that is trained to eat pellets flakes or brine.


Active Member
The red general starfish is a good idea. I've considered getting one before. Does anyone know if they can be fed the same way as a CC star (a clam or a piece of shrimp or scallop)?


yes they will eat that but flake and pellets are a waste if you try, keep an eye on the general around small snails too


New Member
Your eel wil eat anything that will fit in its mouth, so forget shrimp,etc. Your butterfly will eat most polyp type corals and maybe so others too. You could try a condulactus anenome. It might eat your clowns but, then again it might not.


Active Member
I look into the anemone...I like my clowns, so I'm not sure if I want to risk their life...if I kept the anemone well fed would that make any difference on the likelihood of the clowns getting eaten?


Active Member
So, brandonslc mentioned I could get a condylactis anemone. What does everybody else think? Based on what I already have (and if I bought correct lighting) could I get some sort of anemone? Which kinds?


Active Member
anyone have any thoughts? I'm gonna head to my lfs in a few hours and unfortunately I can't trust them to tell me the truth...Don't worry, I won't make any rash decisions, but it'd be nice to know what I should look for.


Well-Known Member
I think something unique for your FOWLR tank would be interesting like a clown tang or a regal tang, maybe a blue hippo tang. You should dose your tank with KickIch before you buy any fish (such as tangs) that are very sensitive to stress and bacteria. Have fun!


Well-Known Member
By the way, you should dose your tank each day two days in advance and every day for a week after you put them in your aquarium.


Active Member
I love my butterfly fish, so he's staying. I've definitely got it in my head that most thing won't work...Now I'm down to wondering if anemones are compatible with my livestock I have so far. Any thoughts? I few anemones would certainly brighten things up, but I want to see if they'd be compatible first.