Active Member
Here are some plans for 2 different simple hatcheries
hatching only
Items needed:
* 2 2 litre soda bottles
* small air pump
* some airline tubing, rigid and flexible
* airstone
* a lamp
* brine shrimp net or coffee filter
* salt
1) Clean everthing with water.
2) Cut the top off of one bottle, the bottom off of the other and leave the cap on
3) Stick the bottle with the cap upside down inside the other
4) Put an airstone on the rigid tubing and connect it to the pump with the flexible tube
5) Stick the airstone down in the neck of the upside down bottle.
6) Fill the bottle with saltwater the same salinity as your tank.
7) Put a an 1/8 teaspoon or less eggs in the water.
8) Position a small lamp over it, not so close as to raise the temp over 80.
9) Turn on the air.
10) You should see the water turn orange within 24 hours.
11) Turn off the air but not the light, let it settle.
12) Remove brine from the top of the water with the net, or
scoop them out in a cup and pour through coffee filter.
To hatch and raise
Items need to hatch and raise
*cooler for 2 2 litre soda bottles
* small airpump
* some airline tubing, rigid and flexible
* 3 way airvalve
* 2 airstones
* small sponge filter
* a lamp
* brine shrimp net or coffee filter
* salt
* a funnel and a cork that will fit inside the tip of it. The autoparts store has ones with a little hanger on the side that are perfect.
* 25 watt heater
About the same procedure as above. Fill the cooler with the same saltwater as the funnel, a little below the level in the funnel.Sorry forgot to draw the sponge filter which would go in the bottom of the cooler. Heat it if you need, should be over 75. Put the hatched shrimp you dont need for a feeding in the cooler, dump the hatched shell out of the funnel 24 hours after hatched, you'll need to feed them. they make food for them but they will eat powdered pea soup mix. Adding vitamins to their water is very effective.
hatching only
Items needed:
* 2 2 litre soda bottles
* small air pump
* some airline tubing, rigid and flexible
* airstone
* a lamp
* brine shrimp net or coffee filter
* salt
1) Clean everthing with water.
2) Cut the top off of one bottle, the bottom off of the other and leave the cap on
3) Stick the bottle with the cap upside down inside the other
4) Put an airstone on the rigid tubing and connect it to the pump with the flexible tube
5) Stick the airstone down in the neck of the upside down bottle.
6) Fill the bottle with saltwater the same salinity as your tank.
7) Put a an 1/8 teaspoon or less eggs in the water.
8) Position a small lamp over it, not so close as to raise the temp over 80.
9) Turn on the air.
10) You should see the water turn orange within 24 hours.
11) Turn off the air but not the light, let it settle.
12) Remove brine from the top of the water with the net, or
scoop them out in a cup and pour through coffee filter.
To hatch and raise
Items need to hatch and raise
*cooler for 2 2 litre soda bottles
* small airpump
* some airline tubing, rigid and flexible
* 3 way airvalve
* 2 airstones
* small sponge filter
* a lamp
* brine shrimp net or coffee filter
* salt
* a funnel and a cork that will fit inside the tip of it. The autoparts store has ones with a little hanger on the side that are perfect.
* 25 watt heater
About the same procedure as above. Fill the cooler with the same saltwater as the funnel, a little below the level in the funnel.Sorry forgot to draw the sponge filter which would go in the bottom of the cooler. Heat it if you need, should be over 75. Put the hatched shrimp you dont need for a feeding in the cooler, dump the hatched shell out of the funnel 24 hours after hatched, you'll need to feed them. they make food for them but they will eat powdered pea soup mix. Adding vitamins to their water is very effective.