Brine Hatchery

Has anyone had any experience with these Brine Shrimp Hatcheries? My LFS has them for about $20 including a small tube of brine shrimp eggs. Thought it would be good to add some live food and wanted to hear if anyone had some input on them.
Thanx :)


I also have one, yes they work, takes about 24 hours for them to hatch. If you shine a light at the very bottom of the container after this time, the brine will migrate down to it, and you can capture some of them for feeding. Works alright, but is a bit messy.
I have one running right now. It is a DIY 10 gallon Wal-Mart tank with an air pump w/ 2 stones and a little heater. I have about $30 in it total.
I cold have bought a whole bunch of brine shrimp for $30 but I have fun doing stuff myself.
I just dump in the eggs, turn on the pump, viola, 2 days later... yummy yummy sea monkeys.


Active Member
Did you know that it will take a few weeks of feeding the brine shrimp before it is big enough to feed you fish? Most fish stores sell live brine shrimp adults. Much easier. Anyway, if you want to raise brine from the eggs make sure to feed them some flake fish food or something. I feed my adult brine crumbled up fish food flakes. Lesley

Originally posted by Lesleybird
Did you know that it will take a few weeks of feeding the brine shrimp before it is big enough to feed you fish? Most fish stores sell live brine shrimp adults. Much easier. Anyway, if you want to raise brine from the eggs make sure to feed them some flake fish food or something. I feed my adult brine crumbled up fish food flakes. Lesley

Yes, I do and unfortunately there is only 1 LFS near me and they do not sell live brine :(
So brine will eat fish flake then?? cool, now I know what to feed them....thanx for your input :)


New Member
all my fish eat the baby brine as to which i feed them after 18- 24 hours
all my coral thrive off of the baby brine