Brine Shrimp Breeding?


anyone got any tips on how to breed/grow brine shrimp?
my hi-fin cardinals just had babies (more on the way) and i read that you have to feed them baby live brine
which my LFS doesnt carry.
heres some pics of the babies :)
im a proud father :)


Active Member
Cograts on the new Bangaii babies !!
Pretty cool I must say !
There is a lot of good information online about hatching live brine shrimp.
Meanwhile I will attempt to answer your question the best I can.
Buy the brine shrimp cysts ( eggs ).
Directions are usually on the packaging ( I'm reading mine as I type ) ;)
I took a 2 liter pop bottle and cut off the bottom, forming sort of a cone shaped funnel.
You'll need some salt - I used the type you add to freshwater aquariums, think it's a form of a rock salt.
You'll need a light too, and an airpump with airstone.
You have to make a stand of some sort to hold the cone bottle so the large open end is on the top, and the screw cap end is on the bottom.
1) Connect airline, stone and pump.
2) Add 1 liter of water - tap is fine.
3) Add about a half to one teaspoon of eggs.
4) Turn on the airpump.
5) One hour later add 2 tablespoons of the salt.
6) Set the light pointing towards the bottle, you wanna try and keep the temp around 80 F.
7) 24-36 hours later you'll see them swimming around attracted to the light, and the empty cyst shells will be floating near the the top.
8) Point the light towards the very bottom of the funnel shape where the pop bottle cap is still screwed onto.
9) When they are done hatching - shut off the air and watch as most of the baby brine head towards the light/bottom of bottle.
10) Siphon off the live baby brine shrimp and add to you tank. Good idea to shut off any skimmers or powerfilters at this time - so the new shrimp don't get sucked up and lost.
Sit back and watch as both your adult and new baby fish go nuts !
I hope this was not too much information.
I was reading & typing from the insturctions.
Wish you best of luck !
Brian ;)
p.s. Don't do what I did first time and leave the light too close - I left it like that overngiht and awoke to 120 degree mess.
Not one hatched at that temp :(