brine shrimp disaster


ok i dont know what is going on but i have done a few runs of brine shrimp hatches. the first one came out so perfect no problems. i thought this would be a piece of cake... since then i have attempted 4 other batches which have ALL failed. i have decapsilated every batch and then tried to hatch them. i have done everything the same with every batch. why did only my first one work and the other ones are all failing. what am i doing wrong? btw~ they are the san fran. packets that came with the hatches...
any clues? tips or tricks.. this shouldnt be so hard, especially if i have to make 2-3 batches a day soon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lulabulla
ok i dont know what is going on but i have done a few runs of brine shrimp hatches. the first one came out so perfect no problems. i thought this would be a piece of cake... since then i have attempted 4 other batches which have ALL failed. i have decapsilated every batch and then tried to hatch them. i have done everything the same with every batch. why did only my first one work and the other ones are all failing. what am i doing wrong? btw~ they are the san fran. packets that came with the hatches...
any clues? tips or tricks.. this shouldnt be so hard, especially if i have to make 2-3 batches a day soon.

No worries


Active Member
Here's my set up, origin design from Bronco3000(Luke).

DO NOT, and I cannot stress enough do not use anything but decapsilated eggs, I use Artemia. I can PM you info about this.
It saves you a lot of time and stress.


yes please PM me rykna.. i need some help.. i just wanna make sure that im not being miss understood, but im failing at decapping my eggs and not having a hatching sucess. i have had sucess in the past but now just 100% fails. if you know what im doing wrong pleeeeese let me know.


Active Member
Quick old are the eggs? I've read that dry eggs hatching percentage will degrade with age.
#1 DO NOT Panic.
If you do not have any baby brine currently hatching purchase some tigger pods.
#2 ditch the decapping step, do not purchase brine eggs that haven't been decapitated.
#3 refer back to #1
#4 email me
#5 refer back to #1
#6 order the decapsulated artemia
#7 Have faith in yourself