Brine shrimp hatchery ok?


Well-Known Member
There are several hatchery systems on the marked and all hatch brine shrimp. the idea is to get sufficient quanties hatched for food. And most require maintenance or restarting. I even hatched some brine in a quart jar. By adding yeast every other day was able to get adults for about two months.
I find it easier to get live from my lfs. They only want $1 a scoop and that is enough to feed my tank. I do it as a treat once ot twice a week.


Active Member
OK Brine shrimp are hte equivalant of potato chips for your tank. Wasted calories.
So to enrich them many folks have their own brine fish hatcheries and they "gut load" the little suckers.
Gut loading is feeding them heallthy stuff prior to feeding them to the tank.
I am in the process of setting one up. What I will do is culture my own phytoplankton (to gut load the little suckers), then set-up a small tank and hatch out the brine shrimp. Skimm off the shells - scope out the shrimp - feed the tank.
Does this help??


Active Member
It's my understanding that frozen brine is just garbage, but live brine is OK, but made even better with the addition of Zoe phyto etc... I feed my fish live brine soaked in Zoe twice a week. It's a good dose of vitamins and kind of a nice treat. If you are looking to set one up in your display I would not. Brine water can get loaded with trates, and fowl your water. If you do decide to breed try mysis, a lot more nutrients in those little boogers.