Ok just courious if I hatch brine shrimp to feed my tank with. Can I just dumd all the little guys in? what happens to the uneaten ones? will they cause havoc in the tank or will they survive and end up food in the future. All help is appriciated.
Thanks. Right now i only have two yellow tail blue's a pencin urchin, 10 blue leg hermies and an assortment of snails. I was just courious if these guys would just live and become future food like pods.
You have nothing in there that you would need to feed brineshrimp too. That's like overfeeding your tank and it will be an unnecessary source of fuel for nuisance algaes.
Originally Posted by Cranberry http:///forum/post/2837595
You have nothing in there that you would need to feed brineshrimp too. That's like overfeeding your tank and it will be an unnecessary source of fuel for nuisance algaes.
+1 you would only be polluting your tank.