Bringing naso back to the store today why can i put him in?


Hes pretty small. I dont know if i can find one of the bags from the store so what can i put him in. Dont they need air and a bag is the only way.


I just took him back i put him in a bucket. He was ok. I will miss him. It took me a little while to catch him to with all the rock. But one day i will have a 500 gallon and one of his brothers will be in it :jumping:

tony detroit

Active Member
Ssk the store for one of their large shipping styros with a liner, I keep one in the garage for trading/buying new stuff, they come in very handy, have a lid, are flat, big, have a liner, keep it dark for the fish, leave a lot of airspace, and the styrofoam maintains temperature for long distances. Usually if you do a lot of business with a store they'll give you one.

tony detroit

Active Member
When you transport really big fish like 27''sharks, large rubbermaid tubs work well. That was my old bamboo shark when I traded her in.


that is a sweet looking shark!
why'd you get rid of her?
gixxer1000-it's good of you to realize that your current tank wasn't enough for your fish. good luck when you get a 500.