Bristle eating everything


New Member
I have a 55 gal and over the last couple of weeks my fish have been disappearing, (tang, coral beauty, 2 damsels, clown, and now a emerald crab. I have about 40 lbs of live rock and a feather duster, and 2 curly q anemomies left. I actually saw my star fish eating the emerald crab last night. It used to be very passive but now its turned out to be a nightmare


so have you seen the bristleworm? what type of starfish is it? what are your levels like?
Could it be that they are dieing off for a different reason? Thats got to be one huge and hungry bristle worm.

blue marlin

New Member
I had a very similar problem; my starfish ate all my peppermint shrimps, lawnmower blenny, cleaner shrimps, and the yellowhead. That's when I decided to take the whole thing apart and take the darn thing out. I had to hand feed her every day or else! So, if yours is that aggressive I recommend to take it back to your LFS and get something else. They are ugly anyways!


New Member
Originally posted by Carlito:
<STRONG>I had a very similar problem; my starfish ate all my peppermint shrimps, lawnmower blenny, cleaner shrimps, and the yellowhead. That's when I decided to take the whole thing apart and take the darn thing out. I had to hand feed her every day or else! So, if yours is that aggressive I recommend to take it back to your LFS and get something else. They are ugly anyways!</STRONG>
[ July 18, 2001: Message edited by: curtisk ]


Active Member
i'll agree with @knight. have you seen this bristle? it would be hard to miss i would think.


I think by "Bristle" he is refering to his star fish. It is common for a star to get too big for its environment. Catch it and take it to your LFS for a credit.


that would be brittle, then, but still, thats gotta be one HUGE-assed star fish to eat that.
I'm more concerned with water conditions. there's something we don't know here.


New Member
My starfish is a green bristle star fish. when i bought it is was 4 in in dia but over 7 months it has grown to 16 in in dia. only because it keeps eating everything, i talk to me lfs and they will give me credit if i bring it back it has gotten way to big for my tank.


ok, gotcha on the starfish....but yeah, I could see how a 7" star could be a little large for your tank.