Bristle worm hitch hiked..


Active Member
I think that i have a bristle worm that hitchiked from the lfs on the LR i just purchased. Should i be conserned? I read in the id that theyre probably benefical. Will he survive the cycle which is jus begining? :notsure: Also i just purchased new lights with this LR to go in my 2 lamp 36in fluorescent. They are 30w t10 (claiming)18000k (is it actually that high?) and 30w t10 actinic. Am i on the right track with these? I know MH are the best but plan on growing my lighting as i go $$$$$ the factor there.CWould these be ok for softees if i add them in the future? Placed near the top? I have a 65 tall(posted 55 in another post but online calc says its a 65.) :notsure:


The bristle worm would stand a better chance than most to survive your cycle. Don't
worry too much whether he does or don't. I wound not try to establish them in a tank,
but some do say they are beneficial.
about the lights, get help from others (I'm in the process of setting up my 135gal in a wall
and am still planning the lighting myself).


Active Member
No, those lights you have are for nothing more than a fish only tank, it will not help or keep alive anything else in the coral area.


Active Member
But they will be benificial when i go to add more lightng? :notsure:
No thats not a picture of me!!! Wish i was that good lookin!


Bristleworms are only a danger when they:
1. Get large enough to bother your desirable livestock.
2. Grow to a population large enough to bother your desirable livestock.
At any rate, both are an indication of excess nutrients.
I have a few bristles that are at least 3" long, and I can't say any of them have been a burden, but I definately know when something died due to the webbing.
The lights like mentioned above are ok for FO tanks, when you have coral you will want something better. At the most, I've been able to keep polyps under florescents but they had to be up high. Even at that they didn't last any more than maybe 7 months.