Bristle worm trap



Has anyone had any luck with the Coral life bristle worm trap? How big of a worm did you catch if you did? I have a bristle worm that I think is at least 12" and I need to get it out. Saw the trap for sale but wondered if it really worked.


i had some for a while. i just used a piece of tupperware with a small hole drilled in it ( or poked thru) . Then put some brineshrimp or freeze dried shrimp in it. I caught at least one a night for 5 or 6 nights. I havent tried lately hopefully they are all gone. this seemed to work though, better then any trap i bought.


I used one for a while on my old tank. I had littler bristle worms. Loaded the trap with dried brine shrimp and caught worms about an inch long. I don't think I would bother with the kind of bristle worms I had now, I think they might be good for a tank, but yours sounds like the big bad kind. The trap I had couldn't of held a 12 incher.