that long a period of time, most likely there is at least one that if bigger than 2"; but as long as you have not noticed anything gone damged/missing for unknown reason, probably nothing to worry about; size does not necessarily dictate behavior, species can though & there are MANY species of bristlworms that can show up in a reef/FOWLR tank; very few species are specialized eaters of captive corals, inverts, fish; we have 1 that has been tank acclimated for almost 2 years now & is about 1.5' long funny thing was 1st owners of the LR didnt even know it was there for the 1st year;has not bothered anythning ever; except for maybe the occasional tift w/ the arow crab over food & space; # 1 rule thought is NEVER TOUCH ANY BRISTLEWORM (another name for them is FIREWORM w/ good reason;each 1 of those bristles can inflict a painful sting w/ various results)