Bristle Worm


Your gonna find plenty of bristle worms in your salt water experience. They are there even if you never see them, I promise. If you see them, take them out, especially if they are big. If you can't get them, don't worry too much, they usually only feed on leftover and dead and decaying matter, so they don't really eat anything that you want. If they get too big, they can start to be a pest. Don't ever add them, you already have them! If you see them out in the tank all the time, then that means you have a problem.


Originally Posted by PettyHoe
Your gonna find plenty of bristle worms in your salt water experience. They are there even if you never see them, I promise. If you see them, take them out, especially if they are big. If you can't get them, don't worry too much, they usually only feed on leftover and dead and decaying matter, so they don't really eat anything that you want. If they get too big, they can start to be a pest. Don't ever add them, you already have them! If you see them out in the tank all the time, then that means you have a problem.
Thanks I just saw it laying there after I put all the water back in the tank and said I better ask somebody thanks.


Active Member
there's nothing wrong with adding bristleworms to the tank. they are good for it. actually, i've never seen a common bristleworm do anything bad to a coral, besides stealing a piece of food out of it's mouth. i would not recommend taking them out, or even getting worried about them.
if you see too many, it's because you are feeding too much, or not removing excess nutrients as fast as you are putting them in. limit their food source, and they won't get out of hand.


Active Member
Bristleworms are a good part of your clean up crew. Leave them in there! They eat detritus and left over food.


Originally Posted by Nano Reefer
if you dont want it, get a sixline wrasse!
I hate to disagree with you, but one thing I have learned in this hobby, is that the fish that are supposed to eat things, I mean pests, they hardly ever do. I had a variety of 'function' fish, but none of except for the old reliable cleaner wrasse have done what they are supposed to do. Copperband never touched the aptasia, mandrin goby, yellow wrasse, six-line never touched flat worms, and as for bristle worms, only thing I have ever seen eat a bristle worm was suprisingly a pistol shrimp. I gave up on the function fish, well except for the cleaner wrasses. Staying on topic, I love my bristle worms, the moment food falls to the bottom, there they are, and the good part about them, considering how ugly they are, they like to hide during the day.