bristle worms invade


New Member
I am looking for any suggestions on things that eat bristle worms. I have a mandrain goby, but he doesn't seem to be really interested in eliminating the worm infestation. Thanks


I read that brittle starfish eat bristle worms, although I have never seen mine devour a worm. Arrow crabs are another choice, but I wouldn't suggest them because they tend to be bullies. (check the info on this website for Arrow crabs)


I'm confused about bristle worms? Are they good for your subtrate you know keeping it loose and eating the crap I know their in my reef and not harming anything to my knowledge. Small ones.


I had a Coral Banded shrimp eat mine right up. But then he went on a rampage after my Mandarin~!


Trap them. Get a small piece of that lightweight very pourus rock form your lfs. Cut it is half with a hack saw and hollow out both pieces so that when you pur the halfs back together, the center of the rock is hollow. Take it apart and drill small holes from the center to the outside. This forms a hollow rock with many holes to the center. Rinse the rock off very well and get a rubberband that will hold the pieces tightly together and tie a piece of fishing line to it. At night when you are ready to go bristle worm hunting, put a piece of raw shrimp (from the seafood dept. of your local grocery store) inside the rock, close it up, put on the rubberband and lower it into the tank to a place where you have seen the little suckers, and leave it there all night. In the morning, pull it out, open it up, and use a pair of tweezers to pick them out of the rock. I invented this method after other methods failed, and it works. I caught about 15 worms in 6 nights.


getting a six-line wrasse will help, or a bananna wrasse is ok but he grows pretty big. an arrow crab (gets big and mean) or a fridmani

depending on what you all have //// I would go with the 6-line....