Bristle Worms


New Member
Hubby is freaking out about the appearance of bristle worms in our tank. Does anybody know of anything that will eat them or any way to get rid of them?


Active Member
Bristle worms are not bad, they are a good part of the cleanup crew. If you still want to get rid of them, you can get a bristleworm trap from a LFS, or I've heard coral banded shrimp or arrow crabs will eat them. I'm not sure the shrimp or crab can eat them faster than they can reproduce though.


Active Member
I agree with viper on this but if you must get rid of them a dip in plain carbonated water- seltzer water will make them darn near jump out of the rock. It only takes a minute or so and then you can grab them with a pair of tweezers. I would only suggest this for rocks that dont have and other major life on them ie. polyps, shrooms and corls.... or anything you dont want to die other than the worms.
I have seen it work and the worms came out of the rock super fast.

big l

what do you do when u have a bristle that is about 6 inches long? i took out a baby pinkish/orange one this morning. Do i leave the big one? Will it hurt anything?


Active Member

Originally posted by karenjojo
what do you do when u have a bristle that is about 6 inches long? i took out a baby pinkish/orange one this morning. Do i leave the big one? Will it hurt anything?

If you can find it, you can cut it in half and it will live, just as two smaller worms.