bristle worms

nano guy

New Member
i have a 12 gallon nano reef tank.i am haveing trouble with bristle worms. i tried one of the traps,but it did not you have any suggestions???


Active Member
Yea, get the end of some panty hose, put a small piece of fish ect. along with a small rock to sink it to the bottom. Put it in the tank when the lights go out and the worms will get tangled in the hose and pull it out.
Worked for me????


what i did was trapped a VERY TINY piece of mysis shrimp in the bristles of my magnet cleaner on the inside of the tank. later that night i found 3 bristle worms making their way through the mess of bristles. i simply took the srubber out and ran it under some HOT HOT HOT water and never saw bristle worms again. you could also get a 6-line wrasse but its hit or miss with those... good luck


Its my understanding that most biristleworms (especailly small ones) are not a bad thing for a tank, they consume detritus, and are fairly beneficial. Very large ones might end up being problematical though, depending on species.


New Member
Hi Nano Guy,
I had several bristol worms in my 15 gallon and tried the panty hose trick but it didn't work for me. The one thing that did work was sucking them up with a turkey baster right after feeding time. However, I had so many that I decided to start over from scratch and got rid of hundreds of them by doing so! I did hear that having a few is not a bad thing but they do become a nuisance. The reason I had so many was because I over fed my seahorse but I now feed her with the turkey baster and I find there is a lot less food going into the tank. The turkey baster is a must have!!
Good Luck,