
30-xtra high

Active Member
i've noticed i have some bristleworms in my tank, and i'm not sure if this is bad or good?I know alot of people get rid of them, but what do they do thats good or bad, i mean is it neccessary that i get rid of them? theres a couple about 2 inches long, are long ones worse, im truely clueless, so any info is greatly appreciated.


Active Member
bristle worms are great detritivors for the most part. getting rid of them is just messing with the balance your aquarium is trying to acheive. they will not overpopulate for the amount of food available.

keith burn

Active Member
If you feel you have a problem the best method of removal seems to be the bristleworm trap.
There are natural predators that will eat bristleworms. The arrow crab, coral banded shrimp, dottybacks, copperband butterflyfish, and many wrasses will eat them.