bristleworms secrete a puff of smoke in my tank !


Active Member
probably either pooping or semen/eggs. not a worry either way, if they are breeding thay have plenty to eat and will breed to consume more waste. if they are pooping.... well you get the idea.


Active Member
Do a search on bristleworms spawning....I had the same thing happen. All was ok for me. My fish seemed to enjoy the spawning the best.

good alex

I thought bristle worms are bad. there like orange with white spikey things right, or am i mistaken whith what im talking about? My lfs told me that they would eat my fish when they are sleeping and kill my inverts. can someone post a a picture of bristleworms! Not sure dont know alot of information on them


Active Member
Originally Posted by Good Alex
I thought bristle worms are bad. there like orange with white spikey things right, or am i mistaken whith what im talking about? My lfs told me that they would eat my fish when they are sleeping and kill my inverts. can someone post a a picture of bristleworms! Not sure dont know alot of information on them
Your discription of bristleworms is correct. In low numbers they are actually quite good for the tank. A janitor of sorts. They eat what the fish leave behind, food and poo. If they get out of hand they can become a nuisance, and yes they will eat fish.....but only the ones that are longer than 6 inches. Do a google...they really are quite facinating.