bristtle worms

captn bob

anybody have any ideas as to what kind of a critter I could put in my 24ap to eat up some of these bristtle worms they serve a purpose as far as helping to keep the tank clean but their just multiplying to quickly. the only thing I have in there are a small watchman goby, firefish,& perc. clown?


Active Member
Originally Posted by captn bob
anybody have any ideas as to what kind of a critter I could put in my 24ap to eat up some of these bristtle worms they serve a purpose as far as helping to keep the tank clean but their just multiplying to quickly. the only thing I have in there are a small watchman goby, firefish,& perc. clown?

They are multiplying for a guess would be to much food or to many dead spots that are piling up detritus.

captn bob

I feed 2 times a day & try not to over do even then but I could see how some of the food might wind up drifting behind some rock before its eaten .water changes are done weekly along with daily cleaning ,& the prams. are all good ,I'd just like to find something that wood keep the worms in check.


Arrow crabs and coral banded shrimp will both eat worms. They are both capable of attacking smaller tank mates though, so be careful of that.


Active Member
I got an arrow crab and put him in my 24g, the worms disappeared in a week and the arrow crab grew about 1 million% I took him back to LFS and got a credit. Boom problem solved! What kind of flow to you have by the definetly could be a detritus problem as they won't reproduce if there isn't enough food to support them.


Active Member
Personally I think 2 times a day is overdoing it. You're likely to end up with more trouble down the line if you keep that pace up. I feed every other day and the fish are happy and healthy. There is algea that they can graze on and copepods to munch if they need a little something in between, but still, every other day is a good schedule. Hope that helps.


I feed three times a day and don't have any problems. It is nearly always the case that more frequent feedings lead to healthier fish. It is harder to keep your nitrates down, but for me it seems worth it.