BRITA Ultra Faucet Filter is it good for the fish?


BRITA Ultra Faucet Filter turns tap into drinking water. it tastes like bottled water.
is it safe for the fish is it better or worse?


Active Member
Its not going to filter out everything, but it is better than just staight tap water. If you have the oppertunity to get RO water from a grocery store (from a fill your own bottle machine) i would do that instead. You can pick a gallon up for .29 from your local wal-mart.


its not the money i live on the third floor and a water change of 20gl is a little heavy, the BRITA Ultra Faucet Filter is small so if its better then i'll use it. thank you


.... oh my aching back... still hauling up the water (second floor). I tried so many different water sources and only like the store here in town called "pure water". I fill up, age and use water from a 20 gal for my 50 gal. Alotta work, but worth it.
Dunno about Britta. Got water purifier on my list of to buy... after a better protein skimmer... before better lighting... sigh.


I make a living out of testing peoples water. I've tested quite a few of those brita and pur systems. The only thing they really filter out is most of the chlorine, not all of it though, and that's really about it. And if you don't change that filter every 3 months in it, the water will even be worse.


Active Member
Do you have a balcony? If you did you could rig a pulley system to get the water up alot easier. One of my buddies also lived on the 3rd floor of a complex and he did this. Worked like a charm! Although it does take 2 people to get it up.