Brittle Star fish

mr. crabs

New Member
The brittle starfishes in my tank are reproducing really really fast and most of them are the size of nickels. Is there anything that can I can do to stop the starfishes from reproducing any more? Is there a ish that can eat them? Please :help:


Those are a different type of brittle, called "mini brittles", they are hich-hikers that come in on your rock. They are beneficial in your clean up crew, so no need to get rid of them. Anything you find that eats those will most likely eat your regular brittle.
There is a pic in the hitch-hiker sticky at the top of this page.

mr. crabs

New Member
Oh, one more thing. Can the mini brittles eat coral because there seems to be a ton of brittles on one the of the rocks that has some polyps on it. Now, most of the polyps are gone.


Active Member
Tizzo is correct, they are mini brittlestars and they will not get any larger. They are not likely to eat the polyps, but if you have a lot of them there is a possibility that you are overfeeding your tank causing other issues.
What are your specific water parameters? What lighting do you have? I think you need to investigate other reasons that your polyps are dying. IMO, no, it is definitely not the brittlestars.


Active Member
You send me some mini brittles. I have a 29 gallon that has no mini bristles. I like them and my LR had no hitchikers of mini bristles on it.
Just my solution to your problem


Heck you could make some money here trying to get rid of those starfish!! I would love to have a few too.......or at least the pair that keeps having the