Brittle star is hurt


New Member
I came home from wok today and my brittle star is all curled up ontop of the rock- when I turned on the light he moved enought that I could see his back, which has a large gash on it- I can see yellow inside. He is very protective of himself, but he is alive and doesn't seem to be any worse for the wear except that his legs are all curled up over his back to protect the sore. Is there any chance he will live? Is there anything I should do?? HELP!!!


Active Member
Jenna- How long have you had this brittle star and what are your water perameters. How did you acclimate it.
Starfish are one of the most sensitive creatures we keep and are very succeptible to changes in water quality. Sounds like this might be what happened to yours. If it is in two completely seperate pieces I am not sure if it will make it, but they have amazing regeneration ablilities.


New Member
My water is good, everything is at 0. I've had them abut two weeks now. I aclimated him by dripping water in a bucket over three hours. The side with the two legs and just alittle bit of the body had noe died, but the other with the three legs and most of the body seems to be doing fine.


Active Member
sounds about right, it could have experienced osmotic shock ( basically shock from different pH, alk, salinity) at the LFS for all you know, that does happen. I don't have a lot of hope for the remaining part but you never know.
What do you keep the salinity at in your tank?


Active Member
That could be part of your problem, Starfish and most inverts need to be kept in a salinty of 35ppt which is around 1.025 SG.
Raise your SG up to 1.025 and your inverts will be much happier.


New Member
Really?? I have an Instant Ocen Hydrometer that is red from 1.020-1.024- I was told to keep it in the red, and if I could keep it right in the middle (1.022/30) that would be ideal.


Active Member
Over several days, Instead of topping off with plain water top off with saltwater it will raise the SG.