Brittle Star pieces....


New Member
Does anyone know why I would have alive mini legs of a brittle star fish in my tank? I saw the big guy last night and he was fine, and now today I found two pieces of him on the bottom of the tank just kinda walking around.....CREEPY!!!! One is just an inch long, and the other is about 4 inches (most of his leg).....they are both very much alive....
Any ideas?
I have a 5" Sailfin -Red Sea- Tang, 3 " Blue Hippo Tang, 3" Coral Beauty, and two shrimp. They all seem to get along just fine, si I don't know who/what would have taken some legs off....

aztec reef

Active Member
they will not live long. they're just legs that came off or someone ripped them off. the brittle star will soon grow new ones.