Brittle Star Reef Safe?


I recently added a green brittle star to my tank because I wanted some extra help cleaning the detritus off the bottom. I believe I mistakenly confused him with a sepent star which I think is the one I wanted for helping with clean up. (Please correct me if I'm wrong.) I plan on adding a couple of dusters, my fisrt coral (sun polyps or mushrooms), and a mandarin in the next couple of weeks. Just wondering if this star will eat any of the above mentioned additions. Thanks!


brittle stars and serpant stars are reef safe but the green ones can get big and aggressive and if under fed will go after sleeping fish. They all can but usually only large greens one do. They are bigger hunters. But not always its just more common with green ones.


Active Member
I do not recommend the purchase of a Mandarin fish. They require special feeding that most beginners are not prepared to do.


New Member
I too, purchased a couple of green serpent stars. I'm hoping that I haven't made a mistake although I have not read anywhere before that they were predatory in-so-far as my fish were concerned.
I guess I will need to keep an eye on things. Has anyone actually "seen" attacks on fish or were they feeding on fish that were already dead?


About the mandarin fish, I didn't post this orignially, I have a refugium set up that is full of caulpera and thousands of copepods. I also have about 50 lbs of live rock in my tank right now and as a result there are many copepods in my main tank as well. I am in no way worried about my mandarin starving. I was more afraid my brittle star might eat the little guy, as he has gotten quite big. Since I can never see my star eating anything off the bottom like I thought he would, (and was told by LFS), i have been feeding every other day by directly sticking pieces of food into his tentacles. Strong little sucker to be sure, I don't want him to starve either, but I don't want him to grow so big he'll eat my mandarin or tubeworms when they are added. Thanks,