Brittle Star wounded by Nassarius Snail


Well I bought a BS from SWF and after placing him into the tank (after acclimation.. I know some asshats will ask...) and he scurred for a rock and hid on the side of it. I saw one of my large nassarius snails come out and get on him and just sit there ontop of his disc (I didnt think anything of it). I just chedk him and now he has a gaping hole in his top disc. Will this heal? Why would the nassarius attack him? A few tiny ones were on its legs but nothing seems out of place on the legs. Thanks


i wouldnt worry brittles r hearty stars i have 2 of them and at one point my bs only had 1 arm ( due to my butterfly nipping at him we got rid of the butterfly cause he was a anoyance to the tank) and in 4 to 5 weeks he grow them back and this happened several times and he is fine. Also i dout that a nass. snail would do such a thing as try to eat or mess with a star. nasses r peacefull so i do not think the snails r your prolbom. Also is there a hole on the to of the star? or is the to just quivering? And it might have got flipped over and the hole u were looking at could hav been his mouth.


lol no its not the bottom. Its the top of him. Its near one of his legs but its on the disc and you can see some of the inside of him.
I've read and i've seen them regenerate their holes back to normal in 9 days.. so this is day 1/2.. so i'll keep my fingers crossed.


New Member
So my brittle star has recently come into the same problem... it has 3 big gashes/holes in it, and 1 or 2 other cuts. I saw some hermit crabs picking on it. But these all appeared over night. What would have done this? Is it a sickness I need to worry about? The rest of the fish, etc look fine.
I rearranged my reef about 4 days ago but I thought if it would've been injured it would have shown up before yesterday.
Ps. I do also have some Nassarius, but it just seems weird snails would have attacked it? And that it would have just sat there, its a relatively hardly creature so far.