Brittle star


lol....I went to buy a piece of large coral...I have to buy one piece at a time. So, I am still getting my tank ready although it has been running for about 6 weeks. So far I have about 50 pounds in my 75 gallon. Well, when I went to purchase this large piece of coral and got home, I plopped it in and off came a nice size brittle star and tiny hermit. OK, I have no food for the bugga, and can't get to the store until this wekend. I have had him for 3 days.
What can I feed him interim. The only thing in my freezer is frozen
Would he like a small piece oiece of that. Also, what do they eat???
Heck, I don't even have sand in there yet!!
Also, I have two damsels in QT for 6 weeks. They were in old tank. Will those mean lil buggas hurt my new star, or future fish and coral?
I am buying sand and more rock this weekend and need to clear out QT tank for next fish.
Thanks all for my many questions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alane67
lol....I went to buy a piece of large coral...I have to buy one piece at a time. So, I am still getting my tank ready although it has been running for about 6 weeks. So far I have about 50 pounds in my 75 gallon. Well, when I went to purchase this large piece of coral and got home, I plopped it in and off came a nice size brittle star and tiny hermit. OK, I have no food for the bugga, and can't get to the store until this wekend. I have had him for 3 days.
What can I feed him interim. The only thing in my freezer is frozen
Would he like a small piece oiece of that. Also, what do they eat???
Heck, I don't even have sand in there yet!!
Also, I have two damsels in QT for 6 weeks. They were in old tank. Will those mean lil buggas hurt my new star, or future fish and coral?
I am buying sand and more rock this weekend and need to clear out QT tank for next fish.
Thanks all for my many questions.
THe brttle will eat ANYTHING and i mean ANYTHING! Make sure its not a green spiney brittle, they get agressive and can hunt fish. He will love Whiting,, very little pieces. They are great scavengers.


Thank you so much. i will give him some whiteing today. He is black and not green. Any ideas about my lil terrors the damsels..I know some of you love them, but heck once I put them in my DT I will NEVER get them out.
I plan on a clown, two anthias, inverts, and a goby. Still trying to figure out a display fish, since most say tangs are too small for 75g,
oh and my corals
hmmm. I may need a cleaner wrasse???
But what about the blue ??? I just call them that because my bigger one, chases my smaller one ALL OVER the QT.
Originally Posted by alane67
lol....I went to buy a piece of large coral...I have to buy one piece at a time. So, I am still getting my tank ready although it has been running for about 6 weeks. So far I have about 50 pounds in my 75 gallon. Well, when I went to purchase this large piece of coral and got home, I plopped it in and off came a nice size brittle star and tiny hermit. OK, I have no food for the bugga, and can't get to the store until this wekend. I have had him for 3 days.
What can I feed him interim. The only thing in my freezer is frozen
Would he like a small piece oiece of that. Also, what do they eat???
Heck, I don't even have sand in there yet!!
Also, I have two damsels in QT for 6 weeks. They were in old tank. Will those mean lil buggas hurt my new star, or future fish and coral?
I am buying sand and more rock this weekend and need to clear out QT tank for next fish.
Thanks all for my many questions.
We have a black and brown Brittle and he eats anything and everything. He has never been aggressive towards our Goby, Mandarin or Clowns. He hides all day and comes out at night anyway. The only thing I have seen him bully around the tank is our turbo snails because they get in his way when he wants to climb the walls. Just make sure you have plenty of LR for him to hide under during the day and throw a little bit whiteing in there and he should be fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alane67
Thank you so much. i will give him some whiteing today. He is black and not green. Any ideas about my lil terrors the damsels..I know some of you love them, but heck once I put them in my DT I will NEVER get them out.
I plan on a clown, two anthias, inverts, and a goby. Still trying to figure out a display fish, since most say tangs are too small for 75g,
oh and my corals
hmmm. I may need a cleaner wrasse???
But what about the blue ??? I just call them that because my bigger one, chases my smaller one ALL OVER the QT.
Remove the damsels and bring them back to the fish store, Your fish list looks good, STAY AWAY from the cleaner wrasse, they usually live on just parasites and are difficult to ween to eat other foods and will starve slowly,, go with a neon goby, does a great job with parasites and eats everything in my tank that I offer the other fishes..


I gave him some whiteing. I gave him more than I wanted to. I think I cut it too big. But, he jumped on that FAST! He pulled the rest into his cave.
Now to catch the "Blue Devils"
A very happy Alane


ooops, didn't see above posts. The damsels go back to the store, and will stay clear of the cleaner.


There are a few things to think about with your brittle star.
1.Because you did not know he was in the rock, you were unable to acclimate him properly. Because of that he may start to suffer from acclimation shock.
2.The tank should be established for some time before adding stars. But again, not your fault you did not know he was in there.
I would suggest taking him to the lfs and trade him in for credit.


ank is established, but yeah he is prob going to go through acclimation shock..there was also a hermit crab on it, and so far after 3 days all are fine, and star ate happily today. Fingers crossed, he is a cute lil bugga.


Originally Posted by alane67
ank is established, but yeah he is prob going to go through acclimation shock..there was also a hermit crab on it, and so far after 3 days all are fine, and star ate happily today. Fingers crossed, he is a cute lil bugga.
They are cute, good look.