Broken Fin on Lion Fish


So I transferred a V. Lion from a 60 gallon to a 90 gallon.
I used a net to lure him into a collection cup and dripped him.
I noticed later he had a broken / damaged fin (on the lion main), not on top.
I thought he might have already had it (I have had him since he was smaller than a inch and now he is at least six inchs), so I didn't pay much attention.
It has been about 8 weeks since he was moved and now the broken (folded over) part of the fin has turned very red.
Is this bad?
Is he really hurt, or could he be poisening the tank?
Suggestions and opinions are appriciated.
Thank you.


Staff member
Yes, that does sound like a problem. Can you post a picture? Do you have a Quarantine Tank?