Broken foot


Has anyone else broke a peice of bone off the middle outside of your foot? I did a week ago and found out yesterday I'm going to be wearing a foot brace for 6 weeks and using crutches for 4 weeks. The doc said the bone is no big deal, but the tendons need to heal and any movement before they're healed will redamage them. Kinda bummed me out a bit, I just bought a new mx bike 2 weeks ago. I've never damaged tendons before and didn't realize it takes so long to heal. My tanks are starting to suffer since it is very difficult to do tank maintenace. Corraline is taking over the glass.


Active Member
muscles and tendandts take forever to heal. when i dislocated my shouled it took like 8 weeks in a sling and every now and than ill do something and my shoulder will hurt from it


took me three months to walk again i a compound fracture along with 8 other breaks and alot of torn tendons man two wheels are dangerous but so much fun take it slow and listen what the doc said or you could take it to fast and hurt it some more. ps get a friend in there under your supervision to clean your tank that is what i did


Staff member
Depending on age, things could take 6 wks to a yr to heal up. The most important thing to do is to take it easy and follow your doc's advise. Better be bored out of your mind for 6 wks lazing around then have to deal with a long-term problem because you didn't give yourself time to heal.
I fell down at work a few yrs ago and broke the radius in my arm. It hurt for a year after that. You can't cast or wrap with a broken raidius.


2 wheels can be dangerous, but once again I have injured myself at something other than motocross (probably a good thing). My wife is helping me with the tanks and I'm able to stand somewhat on my foot now so I can do some tank maintenace. My reef is getting overgrown with bryopsis, but I got a lettuce nudi and heopfully it will start eating away.
As far as age, I'm 33 now but my body still seems to heal well. I've been going to the gym working my upper body in hopes that it keep my body in a rebuilding mode.