broken glass aquarium bottom


New Member
Hello! My husband broke the bottoms of 2- 55 gallon glass tanks by putting them on an unlevel surface... one is shattered, the other just cracked... Is there a way to repair these or replace the bottom pane of glass or will this create a problem w/ the strength of the tank? Any advice or instructions? Thanks, Becky


hi becky, i broke the bottom of a 50 once, the crack went width wise from the back to front. what you have to do is look to see if the crack goes all the way from front to back, if so cut out a small portion of the silicone on ecah side then take a piece of glass and fit it over the crack and in the space where you cut the silicone. make sure you use alot of silicone on the repair piece and get it all the way around. mine is still holding till this day and the tank is 15 years old. good luck.
do a water test afterwards with a little water to make sure it holds.