Bronco Or Anyone Else With Xeina!


did you pour the water straight on them or did it get taken across them? In my reef I do very small water changes more often due to the big change that can be made in the water. what size change did you do?


Active Member
25% change? i poored it on my heater it probably went rite by them there in the middle of the tank?


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you use tap water again????
and yes, they prolly will shrivel up if the current really pushed them around, just watch em to see if they come back out..give em time


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i dont know if its poland spring.....usually they have water dispensers where you can take a jug and fill water up...i dont mean water in the bottles


Active Member
yea that like poland spring water or bottled water? anyways back to my xeina its opening slowly but im worried its like DEKAYING?


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well without a healthy tank your coral prolly will not make what was mentioned before in your other threads